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Cory Sampson


Narco Racer from Team Narcolepsy



"I am so excited about his racing. He is so beautiful when he races, he just has great form very fluid. Hope you enjoy the story....” Michele Sampson, Cory's very proud Mom.


My son started racing at 8. He raced for 8 years and was always in the top 5 in his classes and won the state championship in the 85cc class and the Youth class. He had just moved into the 125 A class in 1996 and won his first A class race. On his way home from practice he fell asleep at the wheel and rolled my van. He quit racing then, just didn't want to anymore. It had been pretty much his life for 8 years traveling all over the country. He was so depressed and didn't know what was wrong with him until 2010 when he was diagnosed with Narcolepsy. We were relieved and the diagnoses answered a lot of questions but we had no idea what it was. Racing was his passion and thought that it was over. During all those years we always had to camp at the track because I could never get him up to get him up to get to the races. He would sleep between races, and not much has changed since then.


Even though he hadn’t raced in 17 years he thought he could still race. He started back racing this last April and he was totally amazing. Like he had never been off those 17 years. Needless to say he was extremely excited and so happy. The happiest he’s been in those 17 years. He won the overall in both of the classes he raced and won 90% of his motos. Nex year he’ll be in the expert class where he should be really and he is so excited. He is going to use his racing to raise Narcolepsy awareness.


More Photos and Cory's Motocross Success can be found here.....

© 2013 by Danielle Brooks

Famous Narcoleptics Danielle Brooks The Nautical Narcoleptic
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